I remember a day where I'd spent a couple of hours understanding a piece of code. There was no tests for this code, and it was hard to read. When I finally understood it, I thought of a way to change the design of these parts so that it would be easier both to test and to read for the next maintainer coming along. I aired my opinion to one of the teammates, and you have probably already guessed what he said.
What definition of "work" do you follow, when it comes to your code? In our discussion above, my colleague was of the opinion that if the user experienced the feature as working, we should not risk breaking that state of "working". I think that's a bad definition for "work".
Any definition of "work" must include maintainability to some degree. Of course, the required level of maintainability may vary, but for most cases readability and testability not to mention the existence of adequate tests must come first. If the code isn't easy to understand, it doesn't work. If the code is difficult to test, it doesn't work. If the code is difficult to exclude from a test that don't need it, it doesn't work. If it isn't covered by a test, it definitely doesn't work. If it doesn't work, it needs to be fixed.
The code must stand the test of change in order to be flexible. Maybe the feature works, but the code doesn't. So go and fix it anyway.
"Why change that? It works. Don't fix it if it works."And in some sense, that's a good advice. It's a good strategy for risk-mitigation, and my hunch is that it's correct 80% of the time. But in this particular case, I disagreed. We had touched upon that piece of code several times the last sprints, we had fixed several bugs in it, and chances were we would have to dig in to it again in the next sprints.
What definition of "work" do you follow, when it comes to your code? In our discussion above, my colleague was of the opinion that if the user experienced the feature as working, we should not risk breaking that state of "working". I think that's a bad definition for "work".
Any definition of "work" must include maintainability to some degree. Of course, the required level of maintainability may vary, but for most cases readability and testability not to mention the existence of adequate tests must come first. If the code isn't easy to understand, it doesn't work. If the code is difficult to test, it doesn't work. If the code is difficult to exclude from a test that don't need it, it doesn't work. If it isn't covered by a test, it definitely doesn't work. If it doesn't work, it needs to be fixed.
The code must stand the test of change in order to be flexible. Maybe the feature works, but the code doesn't. So go and fix it anyway.
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